Thursday, April 07, 2005

Am I missing a day?

So all day today I've been marking the date on the upper right hand corner of my pad as the 6th of April. I don't recall the 6th being yesterday AT ALL! I think there's something going amiss here.

In other news, stress from studying for this darn maths test is giving me lovely big headaches. Fantastic!

Check this out: YaGoohoo!gle. Someone decided to get the best of both worlds by mixing Yahoo! and Google search results together. They appear in two frames, one either side of the screen like pages in a book. Pretty darn cool!

Well, back to the study...

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I'm currently playing around with the Layout for my site so if there are any glitches or weird bugs please bear with me. I'm slowly but surely cannibalising someone elses work and making it my own. Going from spiderman to something else altogether hopefully. Any comments please email me: nocent -at-
I'm a fightin', f*ckin, pinchin', robbin', stealin', fleecin', eatin', drinkin' man.