Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ryan's Rules

Rule Number Twenty-one: Tread carefully on the feelings of those around you.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Ryan's Rules

Rule Number Twenty: Learn something new everyday in work; it will keep it interesting!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ryan's Rules

Rule Number Nineteen: Don't explain your job away, the less certain people know, the better!

Ryan's Rules

Rule Number Eighteen: Always test before rollout!
About this Blog
I'm currently playing around with the Layout for my site so if there are any glitches or weird bugs please bear with me. I'm slowly but surely cannibalising someone elses work and making it my own. Going from spiderman to something else altogether hopefully. Any comments please email me: nocent -at-
I'm a fightin', f*ckin, pinchin', robbin', stealin', fleecin', eatin', drinkin' man.